In which he sits at home and wonders where to go and what to do. Not this evening or tomorrow or even on the weekend. In which he sits at home and wonders where to go and what to do, to assert himself and become great, or to stay at a level of being where he does not input more energy that it takes to walk. In which he sits at home and imagines what he may become, or what he may continue to be. In which he sits at home and hopes instead of taking action. In which he sits at home and wonders what could be and what has been. In which he sits at home and thinks of what has passed him by. In which he sits at home and has curiosity of the world around him which he has yet to explore. In which he sits at home and thinks of more reasons why he hasn't done thing than there are thing he hasn't done. In which he sits at home and thinks.
In which he sits at home.