Well then. Been busy for the past little bit. At least I think I have. I'm not sure...But anyway, lets try and recap what's happened in the past little bit, shall we?
Things for school seem to be going along nicely. I've pretty much got the loans straitened out, and I've got a vague idea of where I'm supposed to go next Monday, the first day of orientation. After that I'll have to check into it a little farther. But we'll see how it goes. I'm getting rather excited to start school again. During high school I really didn't do much of anything, and didn't really have much of a work ethic or any motivation at all to apply myself. But since I've been out of high school for the past couple years, I've really gotten a want to learn again, so I think I'll do pretty OK. I don't think I'm going to do fantastic right away, but hey, I'll probably pick up some cool bits of knowledge.
It was my birthday last week. Yup, the big 20. To celebrate I rallied some troops and went to the Yard and Flagon on Broadway and had a few pints. I'd say it was a pretty good time. More people came by than I expected, but one person I was hoping to see couldn't make it. Oh well, maybe we'll be able to catch up another time. Anyway, Riley, Dan, Jeff, Brent, Aaron and I all got to the Yard at about the same time, and had a few pints before Nate made it over, then we had another. Shortly after Jeff, Brent, and Aaron had to take off, Andy stopped by as well. Not long after, Nick., Braden, and Kendra made their way up and we had another pint. I love Guinness, even more when I don't have to pay for it. The night went well, and after everyone but Nate, Riley, Andy, and I dispersed, we decided to go shoot some pool so we headed over to The Snooker Shak and had some fun there before calling it a night. I really enjoyed myself and hopefully we can do it again soon, or at least maybe I'll know more people to go for beers with once I start school. Who knows!
My parents 25th wedding anniversary was also this week (the 28th), so we went out to The Samurai for dinner. That was super tasty. I think it's awesome. Expensive though. Maybe someday I'll be able to take someone nice on a date there. I tried real sushi for the first time too, and I was really surprised. I didn't really know what to expect., but I really liked it. It doesn't taste at all fishy, and it's actually rather sweet.
I also picked up BioShock last week, and it's really cool. It's got an interesting story which I'm not too far into and won't really go into, and it looks just amazing. But I'll have to play more of it later, because Collin got me Metroid Prime 3: Corruption for my birthday. And I have one word for it. Crazy Awesome (Yeah I know that's two words, but it's just that awesome). I love Metroid. I've always loved Metroid since I first started playing it with Metroid II and then Super Metroid. It's easily my favorite video game franchise, and I'm even tossing around the idea of a Metroid themed tattoo as well (Not just because I love Metroid, it's also symbolic for me as well). And I have to say. Metroid Prime 3 may very well be my second favourite Metroid game ever. First being Super Metroid, but I don't think anything can dethrone it for a very long time, if ever. The controls in Prime 3 are just plane excellent. In short, they just work. So far most attempts at a first person game for the Wii has been very shotty and unnatural. But Prime 3 did it right. It's smooth and intuitive, and truly feels natural. The music is excellent, the sound effects are top notch, and the art direction is fantastic. And in a series first, the game also features several characters and has a full voice acting cast, and they can actually act and are engaging characters. Personally I don't think there's going to be a better single player Wii experience for quite a while.
Other than that there really hasn't been a whole lot going on. Work is going well. We're hiring right now since I'll be going to part time starting next week, and Athula (My boss) keeps saying that the girls he talks to on the phone to schedule and interview sound very pretty and that I'll jump out of my pants when I see them. Whatever that means. So anyone who might be looking for a place to get some money, come down to The Source in Market Mall with a resume and maybe you can be forced to spend more time with my standing around welling batteries to old people.
Well I think this has gone on long enough, and I'm running out of things to say anyway. So I think I'll call it a night and good day. Oh, and for those of you wondering, the picture there is of me looking surprised at once of my birthday gifts. My brother also game me some bubble wrap. I gave it to him for his birthday, and now he's giving it to me. I guess we started a new tradition! Oh well. Until next time!
Thursday, August 30, 2007
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
I'm a comic!
Saturday, August 4, 2007
The Bourne Ultimatum
Ultimately, I think that The Bourne Supremacy is the best of the three (but it's pretty common that the middle chapter of a trilogy be strongest, ala Empire), but Ultimatum was still very very good, bringing a nice close to the trilogy (Both the director Doug Limen and Matt Damon have expressed a strong wish to keep it a trilogy and not adapt the remaining two novels, though it could happen. You never know), but still leaves you wanting more. Hopefully this want for more will cause people to read the novels, but who knows.
The film shares the same pacing, excellent writing, and riveting camera work as the previous films do, and that's a fantastic thing. The Bourne films have never felt too fast, too slow, to chaotic or too dull. The cast and crew do a marvellous job of making the world and story very believable and engrossing, and as with the last films there wasn't a moment I didn't have my eyes on the screen watching intently trying to take in everything I could. In my opinion, the Bourne films have been nearly a masterwork in film making. Nearly everything is spot on all of the time, the fight choreography is fantastic, the sounds and lighting are highly immersive, and the characters truly come alive. There is scarcely a film these days that can make you care for a single character as much as one could care for Bourne. After all, he just wants to know who he is. And in the end, isn't that what we all want?
Until next time, keep your toboggan on the hill.
Thursday, August 2, 2007
World War Hulk
World War Hulk launched in June and yesterday I picked up the first three issues (One for every month, the 5th and last coming out on October) and I have to see it's really really good.
It's been a really long time since I've been into comics (Ever since that whole clone thing with Spider-Man), but with all the comic movies out these days, and since free comic book day, I've been getting back into comics. Mostly I've been picking up random issues of random books, with a few trade paperbacks here and there (Spawn mostly, but also Marvel Civil War). But I picked up World War Hulk and it's probably the best book I've read in a long time.
The break down: Iron Man, Dr. Strange, Reed Richards and Black Bolt shot Hulk into space to get him off earth because he was basically causing too much collateral damage. He landed on a planet somewhere (and became king) so they sent some missiles after him and blew up the planet, including his queen wife. Now he's back on earth and madder than ever. That means he's STRONGER than ever, and he's looking for revenge.
The art is fantastic. The writing is topper than top notch, and it's a massive event spreading 5 core issues and 32 other tie ins (32!) and I'm really thinking of collecting them all. I'd recommend anyone who's liked comics to check it out, and maybe those who don't so much but like a good story. Definitely some great quality work going on here.
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